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South Hills Sportz Club


fficial Lebo Adult Kickball Rules 2019
FIELD:  ● The diamond is a square with equal sides of 60 feet.  ● The distance between home plate and second base and between first base and third base is 84 feet 10¼ inches.  ● The center of the pitching area is in the center of the diamond, 42 feet 5⅛ inches, and it is  directly aligned with the first/third base diagonal. A box behind the pitcher's strip will designate the “area of control.” This box will measure 9 feet wide by 9 feet deep.  ● The strike zone extends 1 foot on either side of home plate and 1 foot high. There will be a box around the plate (1 foot on all sides) that marks the strike zone. 
GAME REGULATION:  ● All games will last 50 minutes without inning restrictions.  ● Games will be official after 4 innings or 3½ innings if the home team is ahead. Umpires will do their best to assure games end at 50 minutes. It is permissible for games to be under or over 50 minutes, but an inning started will be completed. Umpires will notify both teams when the last inning begins. Regular season games can end in a tie.  ● The umpire will do his or her best to inform both teams when 10 minutes and 5 minutes are left, respectfully.  ● The Umpire will announce the start and stop of the 50 minute games.  ● New batters will have 45 seconds to enter the batter’s box before strikes are called by the umpire. No timeouts will be issued once the 10 minute mark has been announced.  ● There is a 9 run limit per inning. 
 EXCEPTION:  ● More than 9 runs are allowed if, at the bottom of the last inning, the team that is kicking is behind more than 9 runs.  ● Slaughter Rule - Any team that runs up the score will receive a loss! ( more than 20 pt diff.) That is based on the final score, not just when you hit 20 points in difference. No Slaughter Rule during playoffs. 
PLAYOFFS:  ● If time will expire during an inning, you will be allowed to finish the inning.  ● Games that are tied after 50 minutes will then have a “sudden death” playoff. The inning will start off with one out and a runner on 2nd. The last batter from the previous inning will become the 2nd base runner. Each team will then proceed to play the inning. If still tied, then the next inning will start with a similar situation, but there will be 2 outs and the runner will start on 3rd. 

TEAMS:  ● All players must be 18 years of age or older (Exceptions considered upon request).  ● Rosters are finalized by the 1st week of play. A team forfeits any game in which a non-roster player participates.  
● You must wear the shirt provided by Lebo Adult Kickball. You will receive the drink special at the bar ONLY if you are wearing the Lebo Adult Kickball team shirt. 
● The Home team is listed first on the schedule and will take the field first.
● The Home team will use the 1st base side of the field. (This is helpful when both teams are the same color) 
● One player must be a catcher. 
● Line-up shall consist of 10 players on the field at one time with a maximum of 6 male players and at least 4 female players. If you do not have at least 4 female players, you must play short and will get an automatic out when that position, the “ghost player”, is reached in the batting order. There is no maximum roster size per team. 
● Teams must have a minimum of 8 players, 3 of whom must be female players, to start a game. One player must be the catcher.
● Teams must have a minimum of 8 players, 3 of whom must be female players, to start a game. One player must be the catcher.  - A team will still be penalized with an automatic out for the absent 4th female until one shows up. This is always in effect, regardless of the number of players.  ● If a team does not have the minimum number of players by 10 minutes after the official start time, then the game is considered a forfeit. The official present will announce to both teams when the start time begins, and when 10 minutes has passed.  - EXCEPTION: The game may begin with less than the minimum only with the consent of both teams or their appointed captains. In this instance the game will be considered "official" and proceed normally.  ● All players must kick, but no more than 2 male players may kick in a row. More than two women are allowed to kick in a row.  ● Once established in the official score book, the batting lineup cannot change. Late players can be added at the end of the lineup, but only in accordance with the 2 to 1 ratio. Teams that cannot meet the proper 2 to 1 ratio will have the following options.  o Take an out by using a ‘ghost player’ in place of the missing female batter.  o Or, Alternate kicking with one or more male players for one position in the kicking lineup.  o Example: A male player shows up after the game has started and is added to the end of the batting order. The top of the order is already established with 2 men kicking, followed by one female. Adding this new player to the end of the order violates the 2 to 1 ratio rule. The offending team can either add a ‘ghost player’ after the newly added player (which results in an automatic out) or they can alternate kicking amongst the male players whereby two players would kick but one would not. This is the only situation where a player is not required to kick.  ● The field lineup can change as often as you would like. The idea is to let everyone play! 
SCORE BOOK AND LINEUPS  ● An official score book will be made available to captains before the start of the game. The score book must be filled out by each team before the start of the game with the following information: 
o Captains name  o Team color  o Team Name o Players’ 1st  name & last Initial.  ● Team captains are responsible for keeping their team score in the official score book.  ● The score book must be returned to the Umpire and the end of the game.  ● The score book will be the official line up for both teams.  ● The number of players listed in the official score book must match the number of players at the start of the game. Any players that show up after the start of the game may be added. 
PITCHING/CATCHING:  ● The strike zone extends 1 foot left and right of the plate and 1 foot above the ground to the bottom of the ball.  ● Pitching must be underhand only.  ● All pitches should be kickable. No fast balls, curving balls, intentionally bouncing balls, spinning balls, etc. These are defined as ‘unkickable’. and will cause the ball to become dead. See below.  ● No bouncing balls. If 1 foot above the plate, it will be called a ball. (You may attempt to kick it.)  ● The Umpire will call “illegal pitch” if they deem the pitch to be “Unkickable”. The kicker has the option to try to kick an illegal pitch at their own risk.  o If the pitcher continues to pitch “Unkickable” balls, the umpire is permitted to remove the pitcher from this position. The Captain of the fielding team must then immediately replace the pitcher with another player.  o Teams will have the option of removing the pitcher from the game and replace them with a player who is already playing the field, or one that is on the bench.  ● If the pitch touches the lines around the plate, then it is a strike.  ● The pitcher must stay in his ‘box’ until the ball is kicked.  ● No player may advance forward of the baselines until the ball is kicked.  ● Outfielders may not come within 10 feet of the first-second and second-third base line before the ball is kicked.  ● Infielders may not move out more than 10 feet from the first-second and second-third baseline before the ball is kicked.  ● Fielders may switch positions only once per inning. No switching back and forth repeatedly.  ● The catcher must stay behind the kicker before the kick.  ● The COUNT begins with 1 Ball, 1 Strike.  ● The kicker is out after 3 strikes. A foul ball that is kicked after 2 strikes will be the third strike on the kicker.  ● If ball is caught in foul territory after the third strike, then the ball remains live. If the 3rd strike is called because of kicking the ball in front of the plate. Catching the ball is not a factor. 
● BALL IN PLAY: Once the pitcher has the ball in control and is inside the “pitchers box,” the play is over. Play resumes once the next pitch is thrown. ONLY the pitcher may gain control of the ball inside the pitcher’s box to stop play. He or she must have control of the ball.  ● No fake outs.  ● Time will be called by the Umpire to end the play. 
 KICKING:  ● All kicks must be made by foot or shin.  ● A kick must be made at or behind the plate or a strike will be called. If a ball is kicked in front of the plate and is caught in the air, the kicker will be called out. In this instance no runners can advance, umpire must call “no-kick”(see Dead Ball)  ● All players must kick the ball past the first/third base line (diagonal). All balls that do not reach this line will be called a foul. If the ball is fielded before reaching the line, it is in fair play.  ● Kicker may not stop the ball then kick it.  ● Kicker stopping the ball behind the plate with foot technically can be called a strike.  ● PLEASE let the catcher field the ball.  ● If a player is injured while kicking, a player of the same sex should replace the kicker.  The batting order with the ball/strike count remains the same.  ● If an injury occurs but the player reaches first base safely, the player may designate a runner., However, the injured player may not return to the game.  o EXCEPTION: Players injured in the field may be replaced and the return to the game.  They must sit out at least one play. ● If a player kicks an “illegal ball” called by umpire, they do so at their own risk.  ● KICKING OUT OF ORDER  o If a player is caught kicking out of order while at the plate, the player who was supposed to kick will approach the plate and assume the ball/strike count of the player who was kicking out of order.  o If the player who was kicking out of order is caught after reaching base safely, that player will be called “out” and all runners will return to their original base. 
RUNNING:  ● Runners must stay within the baseline and fielders must stay out of baseline.  ● Players must stay out of the base line unless attempting to tag the player or catch the kicked ball.  ● If a fielder is obstructing the runner within the baseline, the runner will be safe.  ● A fielder attempting to make an out by way of tagging the base may have his or her foot on the base, but he or she must lean out of the way of the baseline.  ● Running to First Base. The runner must run to the secondary base. The fielder must use the primary base for making the out. The fielder may tag the runner with the ball but PLEASE avoid body contact at all costs.  o If fielder uses the secondary base to make a play, the runner will be safe.  o If the runner tags the primary base and is not rounding to go towards 2nd, then the runner is out. 
● Running to Second Base. ONLY in the instance when there is a play at second, there is a “halo” around 2nd base in effect for the fielder to use. 
 Explanation: the "halo" concept is in effect to prevent contact between the runner and fielder. It is considered a big fat base and is for use by the fielder only.  The fielder is only required to touch within the ‘halo’ to make an out, and does not need to actually touch the base.  A runner must still make contact with the actual base to complete the play in a typical situation. If a fielder or a runner determines that contact would result because of a close play, the runner or field should use their discretion to avoid contact.
 ● If a runner is rounding 2nd or standing at 2nd their foot must be on the actual base.  ● Regular outs and forced outs apply per usual.  ● Running to Home plate. The fielder must use the home plate for making the out. There is always a force out at home.  o ONLY EXCEPTION: if there is not a true force out (where runners on 2nd and 1st are forcing a player on 3rd to go home), then the runner coming from 3rd can stop before crossing the half way-point between 3rd and home and run back to 3rd. Once you have gone beyond the half-way line, you MUST proceed to home plate. You either beat the throw or you don’t. There is never a tag out at home, it is a force out play to avoid collisions. However, if the fielder chooses to tag out the runner, it is still an out.  ● NO Sliding. Automatic out!  ● Neither leading off base nor stealing a base is allowed.  ● A runner leading off base before the ball is kicked is out.  ● Hitting a runner above the shoulders is not allowed and the runner is safe. The runner advances one base for his/her headache! (Exceptions: if the runner ducks, slides, or dives attempting to dodge the ball, it is the umpire’s judgment.)  ● After a kicked ball is caught, runners must tag their original base before proceeding to the next base (i.e., tag up). If the runner has not left the base, he or she may simply run to the next base without a tag up. Runner must still ”tag-up” if the fielder “bobbled” the catch.  ● At their own risk, a runner can advance to the next base after a fly ball has been caught.  ● Runners may advance only one base on an overthrow or if the ball is deflected into foul territory. An overthrow or deflection occurs when the ball has gone out of the field of play and the umpire has called “out of bounds”. When the umpire calls “out of bounds” the runners may only advance to a base they have not previously reached.  ● If a ball thrown at a runner and stays in fair territory, the ball is “live” and all other runners may advance at their own risk.  ● If two runners are on the same base at the same time, the fielder has a choice to tag either runner with the ball. That runner is out and the other may stay on that base.  ● Runners must remain on their current base when the pitcher has control of the ball and is on the pitchers “box” (an imaginary 9’x9’ box behind the pitcher’s stipe). If they are between bases when the pitcher acquires the ball and is in the ‘box’ then they may return or continue at their own risk.  ● If a runner intentionally touches or stops the ball, the play ends and the runner is out. 

 THE CALLS:  ● STRIKE:  o A pitch within the strike zone that is not kicked.  o A pitch that is missed by the kicker.  o A kick occurring in front of home plate.  o A kicked ball not passing the 1st to 3rd diagonal line.  o A foul ball.  ● A BALL:  o A pitch outside the strike zone, an illegal bounce, or any pitcher or field player advancing on the plate prior to the kick.  ● A FAIR BALL:  o A legally kicked fair fly, line drive or grounder shall be judged by the Umpire according to the relative position of the ball and the foul line, including the cone at the end of the foul line, and not with respect to the position of the fielder (on fair or foul ground) at the time the ball is contacted.  o A ball that is touched in or over fair territory and rolls into foul territory.  o A kicked ball that has passed 1st or 3rd in the air, lands in fair territory, and then travels out of bounds, is still a live ball.  ● FOUL BALL: A foul ball counts as a strike even on the third strike. A foul occurs when:  o A kick lands outside of the first or third base lines..  o A kick lands in bounds but travels out of bounds (on its own) before it reaches first or third base. (Any ball that is touched is automatically in play.)  o A kick that does not meet the minimum kick requirement (first/third base diagonal line).  o A ball that is kicked in front of the home plate. (If ball is caught during this play, then it is an out). No runners may advance if on base.  ● OUTS: An out occurs when:  o The count reaches three strikes.  o A player is touched by the ball at any point while not on base.  o A runner who is on the same base with another runner is tagged by the ball.  o A kicked ball, foul or fair, is caught in the air.  o A fielder tags a base to which a runner is forced to run.  o A runner is off the base when a ball is kicked.  o Hitting the base with a kicked ball does not cause an out.  o A count of three outs by one team completes the other team's half of the inning.  ● WALK: Occurs once 4 balls are called, keeping in mind the count is 1 and 1 before the first pitch.  o There are no intentional walks allowed.  o If the umpire deems a player was walked intentionally, that player advances to second and the next batter automatically takes first.  ●

The Umpire will automatically call a “dead ball” if the ball is kicked by a player who has traveled beyond home plate, bunted or not attempt to use a full follow through.  o If a “dead ball” is caught in the air by the fielding team, it will be ruled an out.  o If a “dead ball” was kicked on the ground, then a strike will be called. 
FIELDING:  ● INFIELD FLY RULE:  o For an “infield fly rule” to be called, 1st & 2nd base must be occupied with LESS than 2 outs.  o The kicker is automatically out when the infield fly rule is called by the umpire and the ball will be declared a dead ball. This occurs when a ball is “popped up” (not line drives) and would land in the infield.  ● Fielders must remain behind the base lines until the ball is legally kicked. 

UMPIRING:  ● KICKBALL may be umpired by Lebo Adult Kickball League staff members, volunteers, or paid referees.  ● Umpires will stand behind the pitcher just to the side of the line between the pitcher's stripe and second base.  ● On deck kickers must be in position to promptly kick next.  ● After the end of each one-half inning, the umpire will announce the inning and game score.  ● If there is discrepancy in the score, the team’s captain must make the umpire aware of the discrepancy immediately.  ● The umpire will call “Time” to end each play. Once the word “Time” has been spoken, all advancements must stop. i.e. throws, and runs.  ● He/she will make all calls: balls, strike and outs.  ● He/she will announce “illegal pitch/dead ball”. (high bounce, to fast, etc)  ● He/she has final call on every play. 
OTHER RULES:  ● NO GLASS containers & NO Alcohol.  ● NO PARKING on the field.  ● PLEASE police yourself.  ● Coaches are responsible for controlling their team. We are all adults. Enough said.  ● Coaches are responsible for keeping track of batting order, innings, and score in the score book.  ● NO SLIDING.  ● If a rule is not otherwise stated here standard ASA softball rules apply.  ● The umpire has final ruling.  ● No metal cleats.  ● ALL CONTACT MUST BE AVOIDED AT ALL TIMES.  ● EJECTIONS:  o Metal cleats  
o Throwing the ball at another player in an unsportsmanlike manner.  o Unsportsmanlike conduct.  o Arguing with the umpires is not allowed! Umpires will notify the team captain of the first offense for arguing, the second instance results in an immediate ejection of the offending player or players.  o IF ejected, you cannot play at the following week's game.

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South Hills Sportz Club

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15226

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